Friday, 3 June 2011


Plz pray 4 me eh. Have developped some serious behavioural problems with regards to obedience and also, have been having these strange dreams/thoughts. sometimes its that God is going to slap me or burn me or something (thoughts normally after I have once again disobeyed) and other times its these strangely sexual dreams. Actually, correction. the sex one was once and it wasnt me but the other two times had to do with boys and school and in one of them I got into trouble in school and was hanging out with this crowd and some stuff happened and in the other a friend from junior high and another from high school were going out but we were at Pomona and I had a less than savory job, etc. Anyways, point is: I AM STRUGGLING OH and I NEED SOME HELP IN PRAYERS. Also, speaking of prayers, nowadays when i pray, esp. at night, i find my mind wondering and then i sleep and wake up and i haven't prayed or have said a half prayer or something (maybe need to do night prayers earlier when less tired). And bible study is now difficult. I like it/semi-like it when i get to it but getting to it is one thing and once i am in, restlessness and wanting to just finish is another. Sorry I am writing an extended essay but its been going on for a few days and I don't know what it is but i need it to stop.
Thank you and Have a blessed day!


  1. ooooh me too please pray for me too! Goodness what is happening to us sisters, the world needs us we need to get up and pray and conquer. I'm definitely struggling and all i can say is we need to look to Jesus and remember who we are living for. Work is draining me I hardly have strength to pray or study the word...we'll get through this nel :)

  2. be still and know that He is God. He knows your heart.
    I've been in those places to an extent as well, though to be honest, I generally have a hard time praying and doing Bible study, though once I start it's ok. I tend to get very anxious, with thoughts like 'if I don't pray/do Bible study a certain way, or have a certain kind of experience, it means I'm backsliding' so it's kind of a constant struggle. What I've learnt is that it doesn't really matter if you don't feel like doing Bible study or praying, or if your body tells you no. The one and only thing we have to do is say, Jesus, help me. And He will meet us in whatever trouble we are or think we are in, and somehow let us know what to do at that moment, and how to do it.
    But when that sense of anxiety or fear looms over me, and then I get this idea that I can't ask for help because I should 'just' be able to pray. It often slips my mind that I could simply ask Him for help. But I think that's what He loves for us to do, and I feel Him saying that we should be still, know that He is God, and also know that He knows us. He knows everything, so He knows what it's like for us (as Melissa Moore says, 'He knows it's scary to be us'), even more than we know ourselves. We have nothing to fear, just so much to rejoice about.

  3. Still praying for you Nelly, I hope you are doing well. I'd like to know how you've been holding up dear.

  4. lol. Madam Uloma. i'm fine now.still on the journey, still learning but i'm fine. I shld b the one asking how YOU are but i have been stalkin your blog so its all good.
