Believing our Father in heaven for a movement of His heart toward our generation...
Friday, 17 June 2011
My first post...of the summer
Give me a song the angels can't sing,
Take me to a place that I haven't seen.
All the inner me has been revealed,
My desires are no longer concealed.
I wanna go beyond reality,
To get as close as I can get to thee.
This is my cry for release,
This is my cry for release.
I'll run to you, run to you, I'll run...
Cry for release (cry!)
Cry for release (cry!) [End]
*I know that there is more to this Christian life than just merely reading the Bible, going to church, and singing songs.There has to be MORE. So, in this song I cry out to God for a new level, new dimension, and new glory in him that I know exists. I don't want to become content with where I am in my relationship. So, I set aside all my pride and cry out for a release into the MORE of God and the new life I have in Him. I can be confident that He hears my cry, too....Psalms 18:6 says "In my distress I called upon the Lord, And cried out to my God; He heard my voice from his temple, And my cry came before him, even to his ears." I'm ready to CRY OUT!
Friday, 3 June 2011
Thank you and Have a blessed day!
just a precaution
New Strain of E. Coli Reaches U.S.
Health officials said Thursday three people in the United States are suspected to have fallen ill from E. coli bacteria after traveling to Germany where the mystery outbreak has led to the deaths of 18 people and sickened at least 1,600.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was awaiting blood samples before any confirmation could be made, spokesman Tom Skinner said. The suspected cases were not fatal.
Earlier, Britain said seven people there had been infected with the bacteria, including three British nationals who had recently traveled to Germany and four German nationals.
A total of 18 people in Europe have died from the outbreak, all but one of them in Germany.
German authorities have failed to pinpoint the source of the bacteria, which has sickened more than 2,000 people in the last month, but have warned consumers against eating raw vegetables.
The DNA of the new E. coli strain, believed to have contaminated salad vegetables, was analyzed by Chinese and German scientists. It contains several genes that cause antibiotic resistance and is similar to a strain that causes serious diarrhea and is found in the Central African Republic, according to a statement from the Shenzhen, China-based laboratory, BGI. Those scientists were working together with the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf.
"This is a unique strain that has never been isolated from patients before," Hilde Kruse, a food safety expert at the World Health Organization, told The Associated Press. The new strain has "various characteristics that make it more virulent and toxin-producing" than the many E. coli strains people naturally carry in their intestines.
Preliminary genetic sequencing suggests the strain is a never before seen combination of two different E. coli bacteria, with aggressive genes that could explain why the outbreak appears to be so massive and dangerous, the agency said.
Researchers have so far been unable to pinpoint the food source of the illness, which has now spread to at least 10 European countries and fanned uncertainty about eating tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. The germ has caused 499 to develop a kidney failure complication.
Germany is hardest hit.
Fearful of the outbreak spreading east to Russia, the country extended a ban on vegetables to the entire European Union from just Germany and Spain, a move the bloc quickly called disproportionate.
Kruse said it's not uncommon for bacteria to continually mutate, evolving and swapping genes. It is difficult to explain where the new strain came from, she said, but strains of bacteria from both humans and animals easily trade genes, similar to how animal viruses like Ebola sometimes jump into humans.
"One should think of an animal source," Kruse said. "Many animals are hosts of various types of toxin-producing E. coli." Some scientists suspect the deadly E. coli might have originated in contaminated manure used to fertilize vegetables.
Previous E. coli outbreaks have mainly hit children and the elderly, but the European outbreak is disproportionately affecting adults, especially women. Kruse said there might be something particular about the bacteria strain that makes it more dangerous for adults.
But she cautioned that since people with milder cases probably aren't seeking medical help, officials don't know just how big the outbreak is. "It's hard to say how virulent (this new E. coli strain) is because we just don't know the real number of people affected."
Nearly all the sick people either live in Germany or recently traveled there. British officials announced four new cases, including three Britons who recently visited Germany and a German person on holiday in England.
The WHO recommends that to avoid food-borne illnesses people wash their hands before eating or cooking food, separating raw and cooked meat from other foods, thoroughly cooking food, and washing fruits and vegetables, especially if eaten raw. Experts also recommend peeling raw fruits and vegetables if possible.
Russia had earlier this week banned fresh imports from Spain and Germany, but it expanded the ban Thursday to include the entire EU. The United Arab Emirates issued a temporary ban on cucumbers from Spain, Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.
Lyubov Voropayeva, spokeswoman for the Russian Agency for the Supervision of Consumer Rights, told the AP the Russian ban has been imposed immediately and indefinitely. No fatalities or infections have yet been reported in Russia.
"How many more lives of European citizens does it take for European officials to tackle this problem?" the agency's chief Gennady Onishchenko said to the state-owned RIA Novosti news agency.
Frederic Vincent, a spokesman for the EU's Health and Consumer Policy Commissioner John Dalli, said Thursday that the European Commission would write to Russia to demand further clarification. The Italian farmers association Coldiretti criticized the ban as "absurd."
One expert said the fact the strain is new may have complicated the response to the outbreak.
"Officials may not have had the correct tests to detect it, which may explain the initial delay in reporting," said Paul Hunter, a professor of health protection at the University of East Anglia in England.
He said the number of new cases would likely slow to a trickle in the next few days. The incubation period for this type of E. coli is about three to eight days, and most people recover within 10 days.
"Salads have a relatively short shelf life and it's likely the contaminated food would have been consumed in one to two weeks," Hunter said.
But Hunter warned the outbreak could continue if there is secondary transmission of the disease, which often happens when children are infected. The disease can be spread when infected people don't take proper hygiene measures, like bathing or hand washing.
Phil Tarr, a professor of molecular microbiology at Washington University, said the discovery of a new strain wasn't particularly significant scientifically.
"Every strain is a mutant, if you define mutant as an organism that has picked up DNA from another source," he said. He said more analysis was needed to find out more about the strain's origins, how long it's been around and its ability to make people sick.
Meanwhile, Spain's prime minister slammed the European Commission and Germany for early on singling out the country's produce as a possible source of the outbreak, and said the government would demand explanations and reparations.
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero told Spanish National Radio that the German federal government was ultimately responsible for the allegations, adding that Spain would seek "conclusive explanations and sufficient reparations."
Spanish farmers say the accusations have devastated their credibility and exports. In Valencia, protesting farmers dumped some 300 kilos (700 pounds) of fruit and vegetables — cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and other produce — outside the German consulate.
The outbreak is already considered the third-largest involving E. coli in recent world history, and it may be the deadliest. Twelve people died in a 1996 Japanese outbreak that reportedly sickened more than 9,000, and seven died in a 2000 Canadian outbreak.
The Associated Press and NewsCore contributed to this article.
fast on facebook
Last year we sent out an invitation to single woman but particularly those that are 25 years and older who are waiting and standing in the gap for there husbands. We embarked on a 21 day fast for our marriages and our families. What God did was beyond our expectations. After praying about whether we should fast again, it is apparent that God is still stirring many women’s hearts to continue to contend for this area. This time we are extending this fast to those that are engaged, married, and especially those that women who are praying for the promise of children. We invite all women to Pray!!
The vision for this fast came when I was talking to some girlfriends about marriage. In the mist of our discussion God gave us a revelation. One friend said, “lets just keep waiting it is about the time of the lord” and we where all like” yeah yeah, but we are tired.” All of a sudden my sister Shami, said “No, guys! Something is wrong, I understand the timing of the Lord but I really feel like some things have just been delayed. I refuse to be forty years old praying for a miracle baby, while some women may have to do that, I do not think that every woman has too.” She continued to say “The Muslim women get married young and have many babies so why shouldn’t that be the case for Christian women? She then stated “I believe that this is a warfare that they are things going on that in some cases are holding up what God wants to do.” She stated that we are contending for a generation the Muslims continue to outnumber us, while we are having fewer and fewer kids and this is all part against this warfare against godly marriages.
At that point the spirit of God quickened in me, and I told the girls “remember Joshua was able to stop time, and since we are spiritual beings we do not operate on a natural time continuum, so I believe if we are spiritual God’s time should be our time, and if indeed there is a delay, we need to go into the heavenlies and shift time just like Joshua,” then the lord spoke to me again and I said “ Remember Daniel, he had prayed, and the Bible said his request had been heard however it had been delayed by the prince of Persia. Imagine if Daniel did not contend for 21 days for his answer? Imagine if he had said it is in the timing of the lord, it will come whenever...” really? I still believe with all my heart that God is giving us grace to come out of passivity, he is calling us to heal from our numb and broken hearts and really contend for this promise that he has given us! While my husband to be came four months after that fast, I believe that God is saying we all should continue to stand for marriages. I believe God is giving grace to whichever women want to participate to contend for his promises over our lives. Once again we will be doing a 21 day Daniel Fast starting wed, June 1st and ending June 21th. This is a note of invitation. We will also do a 6am prayer conference call starting Wednesday June 1st the conference call number is 712-432-0950 access code 241433. If you would like to be part of this fast and prayer please contact:
Faith on facebook or email at faith@warringministries.or
or Shamiso Makonyonga at
During the fast we will be praying for the following things:
June1st- June 3rd: Deeper Intimacy and Devotion to Papa God.
June 4th – June 7th: That this fast would be covered by the blood of Jesus and nothing will hinder our blessing from being released to us.
June7th – June 10th: That God would release Godly husbands for us and our sisters.
June 11th – June 13th: That those who are contending for children would be able to conceive.
June 14th– June 16th: For emotional healing from rejection, tiredness, and hopelessness.
June 17th- June 19th: For wisdom so will be wise and Godly wives and mothers.
June 20th- June 21st: Seal the prayer and believe that this year all the women involved in the prayer would meet their husband, conceive a child or see their families restored. We would recognize each other and God would speak to both of us CLEARLY.
What does the fast consist of: 21 Day Daniel Fast Guidelines
Once you have decided to follow the 21 day Daniel fast instructions, you should pray. Pray over the reasons why you want to commit to the 21 day Daniel fast. You should pray when you feel hungry or are tempted to eat something you are abstained from eating during these 21 days. Remember, Daniel carried out this fast, as it was against the dietary laws. Daniel fast is not only to help you achieve physical health, but also help you gain clarity through prayers to God.
Next, clear off you cupboards, refrigerators, etc. from meat products, fish, poultry, etc. Clear off the artificial foods, processed foods like sugar products and flour. You need to abstain from 'rich food' just as Daniel abstained himself from the king's meal. You need to stock your cupboards and refrigerator with raw and whole foods like vegetables and fruits. You can even stock high protein foods like beans, nuts and legumes. You can eat seeds like nuts, natural peanut butter, natural almond butter, sprouts, ground flax, whole grain products, etc. Get rid of all other beverages in the house and drink only water. Other than water, you can drink 100% natural fruit or vegetable juice, distilled water, spring water and filtered water.
Here is a quick synopsis by David Guzik on the breakdown of Daniel 10 VERSES 1and 2. Read it on your time as you pray.
Then he said to me, "Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come."
a. From the first day . . . your words were heard: God responded to Daniel’s prayer the very moment he made his request known. Daniel had been in great and serious prayer for three full weeks (Daniel 10:2).
b. I have come because of your words: We can't pass this over lightly. An angel was dispatched because of Daniel's prayer. This is another of many reminders in the Book of Daniel that prayer matters. It isn't merely a therapeutic exercise for the one who prays.
c. The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me: Since this prince is able to oppose the angelic messenger to Daniel, we know this is more than a man. This prince is some kind of angelic being, and we know he is an evil angelic being because he opposed the word of God coming to Daniel and stood against the angelic messenger.
i. The word prince has the idea of a ruler or authority. This fits in well with the New Testament idea that angelic ranks - including demonic forces - are organized and have a hierarchy (Ephesians 1:21, Ephesians 6:12, Colossians 1:16, Colossians 2:15).
ii. Apparently, this was a demon of high rank that opposed the answer to prayer. On three occasions, Jesus referred to Satan as the prince of this world (John 12:31, 14:30, and 16:11).
d. Withstood me twenty-one days: Since the angel was dispatched immediately and Daniel's period of prayer and self-denial was 21 days (the three full weeks of Daniel 10:2), we see that the answer to the prayer was delayed by the prince of the kingdom of Persia.
i. The correlation between Daniel’s time of self-denial and prayer and the duration of the battle between the angels and the prince of the kingdom of Persia establishes a link between Daniel’s prayer and the angelic victory. Since the angelic victory came on the 21st day, we can surmise that if Daniel would have stopped praying on the 20th day the answer may not have come.
ii. "There may be hindering factors of which a praying Christian knows nothing as he wonders why the answers to his requests are delayed. Nevertheless, he is to keep on praying. It may be that he will not receive an answer because he has given up on the twentieth day when he should have persisted to the twenty-first day." (Archer)
Our focus verse for this fast is Daniel 10:11--Then he said to me, “Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words.
We know Daniel was fasting and contending for answer pertaining Israel, I believe that our fasting and our prayer too is for a people and a generation, I believe that the children and marriages that God will put together during this season will carry the kingdom and Christians through the toughest years the nations have seen. We need the love of Jesus to be shown through passionate radical couples contending for holiness in the world. I believe that the children that will come from these marriages will carry the glory of God into the nations and will carrier an anointing as warriors and firebrands.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
I hope everyone is doing fantastic! My internship is going great, thank you all for your prayers because that is what got me here and is taking me through my days at work. Its slightly difficult getting used to the 8 hour work day, but I'm sure with time that will be sorted out.
Ok, to the main point of this blog post. Sisters, I feel LOST. More than I've ever been in a long time. For the past week I can count how many times I've prayed/thought about God etc. I'm going through so many emotions that I've forgotten that God can help me with such stuff too. Its so weird. I'm not motivated to do anything at all and its really bugging me. I really miss having my Christian community around me, but I also know that this is the real world and after 4 years at Scripps I won't be with you all.
That being said I really need your prayers to help me focus on my Jesus. I really need all these emotional thoughts and feelings to just go away because they've taken my mind of God and are causing me too give too much attention to my flesh and my feelings etc.
Please pray for your sister in Christ because I really need my Jesus back.
Have a great week:)
Yasmine Sampomaa Acheampong
Scripps College '14
A tree is known by its fruit