Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Poured Out!

I can't begin to express how I feel right now. I feel so emptied out. God has been emptying me of all the foolishness inside of me and it has certainly been a long and painful process. I see his heart for me and for this generation and how much it hurts that his own children are turning back on him, and my heart gets burdened. I spent a good part of last night praying and asking for forgiveness, for all the sins I have ever engaged in, and for every time I defiled the Lord. And in that I was able to see how it is only by grace that I am not still in my sins. I think it can be hard to pray for other people, or for our campuses or for this generation, when there isn't the slightest tug in your heart to see their sins the way God sees it.

I once was a sinner, but now I'm saved by grace through faith in the Son of God who took away my sins because he loved me so much. He didn't have to do it. I deserved the wrath of God, not the Son of God. My sinful nature has been at war with God for a good part of my life, but God...

...saved me. Out of the pits of hell...he saved me. And now I am privileged to call him Abba, Father, Friend, Comforter, my Provider, my King, my Savior, my Lord and My God! It is such a privilege to be able to come before this creator of all things and speak to him, and pray to him, knowing that he hears everything I say, and his word says that I should ask, and I will receive. Honestly speaking, the generation we are seeking God for was once a generation that we were all lost in, not caring about God so much, and wanting to control our own lives. We sought for pleasure in people, places, and in things. We wanted to be fulfilled in many ways, but we never thought that God would fulfill us. And now that he has pulled us from our old self, from darkness, and he has brought us into his marvelous light, we need to see what an honor it is that you get to worship him and talk to him. Let that be your motivation to want to help pull other people into the marvelous light as well. We were all once there, and we all know what the devil is like. He is only around to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY us. Let's pray with more vigor, remembering where we came from, and not wanting to let anybody experience the woes of the enemy.

God's heart is roaming and seeking those who will persistently and earnestly seek him, and CRY out (not just last minute prayer/or quick 10mins prayer), but people who will understand the wickedness of this generation and cry out to him.

Joel 2:12 "'Even now' declares the Lord, 'return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning".

Let God empty you out and pour out everything inside of you so that you can be used as an empty vessel for him.


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